Fund for an Inclusive California

is a philanthropic effort with a mission to advance racial and economic equity by building the power of communities of color.

Our community of grassroots leaders, nonprofits and funders are committed to pursuing transformative approaches that will achieve well-being and housing for all in California.

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“Housing justice is not a singular justice issue, it is a trajectory for justice. For all people in all the identities that they assumed in their past, present, and also future.”

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Bold and coordinated investments

In our first three-years we developed deep relationships that have allowed us to learn what it takes to support grassroots power building. Our work is intentionally focused on housing, community resilience, and racial justice.


as a human right and pillar of dignity and stability


resilience and stability

Racial Justice

equitable practices for housing justice

Our reach

We support strategic collaboration and connection to build community power at the local, regional and statewide levels.

Statewide Networks

Invest in Equity to Meet California’s Housing and Community Needs

Statewide community leaders are organizing in Sacramento as well as in cities and counties across California to enact policies that center residents and their needs as opposed to developers and speculators.

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Bay Area

Bay Area Expands Housing Justice to Encompass Community Well-Being

Organizers across the Bay Area are increasing their focus on mental health and well-being, recognizing how the challenges communities face lead to very real and human consequences.

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Central Valley

Central Valley Builds Power to Guarantee Homes for All

In addition to pushing for expansive eviction protections, Central Valley leaders launched the Homes Guarantee campaign in early May 2021.

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Inland Region

Inland Region Powers Multi-Racial Organizing for Housing Justice

Community partners used targeted resources and convening infrastructure to organize, advocate, and push back against systemic racism and housing discrimination.

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Los Angeles

Advancing A Housing Justice North Star

LA organizations designed and united in a vision for housing justice that continues to guide their work today.

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Raised and committed


of Community Advisor organizations are led by people of color


Community Advisors and partners


Funding partners

It takes all of us

F4ICA is a collaborative funding initiative co-designed with grassroots leaders and made up of diverse foundations committed to supporting community-driven solutions to racial and economic justice.